How to run concurrent/multiple instances of an Informatica workflow?

By default Informatica workflows cannot be triggered again if they are already running. But there are scenarios where we need to trigger multiple instances of the same workflow. One such example could be when you need to load multiple source files through a single workflow, which gets triggered as soon as the file arrives.

So how do you enable a workflow to run multiple instances concurrently?

Well, there is a flag in the workflow properties which we need to turn on. Below are the steps to achieve this:-

Step1:- Open the workflow in workflow monitor and select the Edit Workflow/Worklet
in the right click command menu for the workflow.

Step2:- In the general tab enable the property Configure Concurrent Execution.

Step3:- Open the Configure Concurrent Execution dialogue box. There are two options-
a. Allow concurrent run with same instance name
The workflow name remains same for every concurrent execution.
b. Allow concurrent run only with unique instance names
Here you will need to create at least one instance name in the lower half
of this dialogue box. You can also specify the parameter file for each

Now you can run different instances by selecting the Start Workflow Advanced option in the workflow right click command menu. Here you can select which instance(s) you need to run.

However in production environment we execute the workflows from bat or shell scripts. You can also trigger multiple instances of the workflow from pmcmd command if the workflow is enabled for concurrent execution. In this case you can leave the property (a) in step 3 selected.

Below is the command using which you can start and name a particular instance of the same workflow.

pmcmd %workflow_name% %informatica_folder_name% -paramfile %paramfilepathandname% -rin %instance_name%

Using this command you can run as many instances of a single workflow with unique instance names appended to the original workflow name.

This will help you in creating minimal code for maximum functionality.

Enjoy learning!!

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  1. Thanks mate ! This works and helped me solve this deficiency I was having. Just one minor correction to avoid confusion, the workflow needs to be edited in the Workflow Manager general tab.

  2. Is there any way we can define workflow instances dynamically.

    and another question when we pass instance name to the pmcmd, does it have to be configured while configuring and providing instance names to concurrent workflow execution.

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